Mindfulness means being in the present moment with an open and non-judgmental attitude. It helps us become more aware of our own thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations in our present environment. You can think of mindfulness practice as a workout for your brain – a way to keep strong, fit and resilient. Like physical exercise, mindfulness requires some basic training and ongoing practice. Developed over time primarily via meditation practice, mindfulness results in greater focus and well-being.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a 8-week skills training programme in mindfulness, stress management and cognitive awareness. It is a secular programme that focuses on the use of mindfulness for managing everyday stressors related to areas such as work, health and relationships. Over the course of eight weeks, you’ll learn to be more present and to be more aware of automatic reactions and communication patterns that cause stress.

  • 8 weekly 2-hour classes
  • Day of Mindfulness, a compulsory day-long Saturday intensive session between weeks 6 & 7
  • Instruction in mindfulness meditation
  • Brief lectures and discussions
  • Self-inquiry
  • Individual feedback and support
  • Daily home assignments


  • Stress management
  • Build ability to cope more effectively with challenges
  • Cultivate awareness of positive aspects in your life
  • Develop awareness of habitual negative thinking patterns
  • Develop empathy for the self and others
  • Develop a healthy response to adversity
  • Increase adaptability to change and uncertainty

*Live Online /In-person 8-week MBSR*

While we cannot control the pandemic and all that it brings, we do have a tremendous sphere of control – we CAN control who we are and what we want to stand for in the face of it. We can control what we read and what we share. We can control how we listen to and support the people around us.

We also have choice about which feelings we focus on. Uncertainty can derail and paralyze us, but it can also fuel learning and growth and curiosity. When we’re pushed to change, we can resist, OR, we can break out of old patterns, establish new ones, and clarify what really matters. We can step forward with purpose, and take care of our and others’ emotional wellbeing during this challenging time.

Throughout this 8-week program you will be consciously and systematically working with the challenges and demands of your everyday life. Your instructor will create a safe and supportive environment for this work and learning through:

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
  • Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
  • Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life
  • Online resource materials and video conferencing

What is the MBSR 8-Week Live Online Program?

This program addresses the needs of those interested in taking the MBSR 8-Week program but are unable to do so due to the safe-distancing measures imposed. The course is delivered with a combination of live online video conferencing sessions and in-person sessions .(when the measures are lifted). During the stay-home period, rather than meeting in-person, participants engage with the instructor and interact with one another through their computer during class time, and for home assignments and practice.

A computer and high-speed internet connection are required.  Mobile devices such as phones and tablets are not recommended.

What is the course structure and commitment?

The Live Online + In-person MBSR program consists of:

  • Phone interview (required)
  • Eight weekly classes, 2  hours each
  • One All-Day class on a Saturday or Sunday, between classes 6 and 7 (in person or online)
  • Daily home practice assignments for 45-60 minutes each day

You must be willing to make a strong commitment to attend all classes and to practice daily home assignments for eight weeks.

Technology Requirements

To ensure the best possible experience for all participants, the program relies on video conferencing which has minimum requirements to work properly. That includes having a computer with speakers, microphone, and video capabilities, and a high-speed internet connection.

For the best learning experience:

  1. Review the system requirements for the Zoom online meeting platform
  2. Try out a test meeting
  3. Test your audio and video in the meeting
  4. Watch a video tutorial about using Zoom


Dawn is a mindfulness-based psychotherapist and trainer. She completed her training at Center for Mindfulness – University of Massachusetts Medical School, is a qualified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program as well as mindfulness for leadership under Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

Dawn shares a personal commitment to practice what she teaches, embodies the benefits of a well-balanced mind and is dedicated to helping both individuals and organisations. Having studied and worked internationally in Osaka, Paris, New York and Hong Kong, Dawn is able to relate to a wide range of audience by combining pragmatic experiences and her passion for creating purposeful and happy lives.

Susanna is a mindfulness trainer who completed MBSR teacher training at Mindfulness UK in London in 2019.  She has also taken MBCT training and Mindfulness at Workplaces master classes at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre within the University of Oxford.  Susanna is also qualified to teach kids yoga and English.

Susanna practices mindfulness and in 2019 completed a mindfulness retreat at the Plum Village practice centre near Bordeaux in France, which was founded by 

Thich Nhat Hanh in 1982.  Susanna has lived and worked in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and the UK. Before embarking on her career as a mindfulness teacher, Susanna worked in the advertising and media industry as a regional events manager for senior executives.


A no refund policy applies. For pre-determined, medical and psychological issues that may render the participant unable to complete the course, the withdrawal will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Participants who miss a class can make up by joining the same class from another cohort, subject to availability. Participants who miss the DOM can opt to join subsequent DOMs later in the year, subject to availability.