
is paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally – Jon Kabit-Zinn

Mindfulness practice is a way of paying attention to, and seeing clearly all that are happening in our lives.  It helps us to recognise and step away from our habitual, unconscious emotional and physiological reactions to everyday events.  This helps us to respond to life in a calmer manner, cultivating clarity, insight and understanding.

Practicing mindfulness allow us to be fully present in our life and work, and improve our quality of life.

The Benefits of Mindfulness Practice

This skill to focus one’s attention in the direction of one’s own intention helps to engage volition and will power. Overtime, one will also develop better self-awareness and understand the habits of their mind.

Our Programme

Corporate Mindfulness Workshops



Silent Room

Who is Mindfulness for?

Mindfulness practice is for everyone from all walks of life, children and adults. There is no religious component to mindfulness practice. Regardless of one’s beliefs or faith, one can enjoy the benefits of being mindful.



At its simplest, Paws b and .b is an awareness-raising exercise to give all individuals a taste of mindfulness so that they know about it and can return to it later in life if they choose to.

However, for many people, the course can lead to immediate and striking results:

  • improve self-regulation and awareness
  • getting along better with others
  • able to concentrate and learn better
  • able to cope with stress and anxiety more efficiently
  • feeling happier, calmer and more fulfilled