With the easing of safety measures this phase 3, we continue to operate each new camp season with care. Advisory and guidelines from MOH are taken with serious importance and adhered to closely, to ensure our community is safe and well while we tide this through together!
At The Mindful Camp, we are always ready to adapt to change (a fundamental attitude in Mindfulness)! Change means we get to be creative and come up with new, fun camp ideas!
We also understand this unprecedented time means we cannot be certain of new measures that may be implemented at anytime, so we are providing a FLEXIBLE CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY (https://theopencentre.com.sg/business-disruption-policy/).
We look forward to meeting the lovely faces of our campers!
Smaller Camp Size
To reduce the risk of contamination, camps are restricted to 80% capacity, with a maximum of 6 campers to 1 facilitator in a group.
Fixed Frontline Staff
We will have the same facilitators throughout this camp season. There will be no cross-deployment of camp facilitators between campsites.
Temperature Taking
We conduct temperature taking upon arrival at the campsite. Campers with a temperature of 38°C (and above) will not be permitted to join the camp and will be sent home.
Flexible Cancellation and Refund Policy
Our current guideline is to remain operational as long as MOE schools are open. Please read our updated COVID-19 Business Disruption Policy here for our planned actions in the event of updated measures.
If a camper misses more than 2 days of camp with an MC, a credit note for future camps will be issued.
Stepped Up Cleaning Routine
Our space will be deep cleaned before the start of each camp week. During camp hours, it will also be cleaned 2 times daily.